
How AdBlock alternative content disable AdSense account

How AdBlock alternative content Disable your AdSense Account

AdBlock is a well-known open-source free application in the web world which will allow you to block advertisement showing on various websites and the statistics of active users of AdBlock is getting increased every single year.

Due to this very reason, many website owners and bloggers have seen a dramatic loss in their AdSense revenue and starts showing alternative content to the visitors who have enabled AdBlock in their browser mostly saying "Online ads help pay my bills, Please disable AdBlock".

Without even knowing what a mistake they have done and their AdSense account even get DISABLED for this little mistake.

    Why people use AdBlock?

    Though there is a very legitimate reason for using AdBlock on your user’s browser.

    Many websites and bloggers often get rejected by Google AdSense program as they maintain a very strict policy and every ad publisher has to obey them too.

    As a result of the rejected website owners often register with some ad publishing websites which provide annoying graphical and popup ads.

    You will see these kinds of advertisements generally in the piracy websites and p*rn sites, as due to their content material will never follow a good ad publishing site (like AdSense) policies.

    Eventually, these website owners opt for these crappy ads to earn some penny.

    What’s wrong with AdBlock alternative content?

    Well if I say logically, the whole idea of AdBlock alternative content is wrong. Why, well because if a visitor of yours has decided to install Adblock on their system, then they are well determined that they do not want to see ads on any website.

    Now when you are asking your viewer to disable Adblock, you are actually pissing them off, because they do not want to see any ad-related content.

    Also, there are many users who use Adblock don’t even know how to whitelist any particular website? so even if they want to help you, they don’t know how to do it.

    So, showing AdBlock alternative content is not completely wrong if you can do it smartly.

    Why Google will block my AdSense account?

    There are basically two possible reasons for Google to block your AdSense account.

    First, the way you implement the AdBlock alternative content.

    I’ve seen many web bloggers presented code to show alternative content which actually modifying or altering AdSense ad code, which is bad and you should always avoid that.

    Secondly, if you show a picture as Adblock alternative content, much likely shown in the side or saying anything like “Online ads help pay my bills. Please disable AdBlock or whitelist my site” or any phrase or images where you have mentioned the word “Ad” or anything related to that – is actually an offense as per Googles’s Adsense Policy.

    As per google you are drawing attention to your ads and provoking your viewers to click on your ads. Creepy, right?

    Let me explain it to you. When you write anything related to your ads as Adblock alternative content, Google bot read it like you are drawing your user attention towards your ads and asking them to click it so that you can “Pay your bills”.

    Some webmasters even show an overlay on their site saying disable Adblock to see the content. This is even worse.

    As a result, this will increase your bounce rate and decrease the user experience of your site and Google never tolerates bad user experience on a site where their content is showing.

    Anyways I’ve also written a post about 5 tips to prevent your AdSense account gets disabled.

    How google bot knows all these things?

    My fellow reader, never ever underestimates the power of a Googlebot. Google bots are highly designed to crawl your site just like the way a normal user does on their PC or Mobile device.

    Google devs always upgrading the algorithm of the Googlebot to make it even more human alike.

    Googlebot which is specially designed for approving, disabling and monitoring the websites which are running Adsense or the websites which are applied to join AdSense program takes every single one of this in the parameter of their decision-making system.

    So, be aware and know what you are doing with your Adsense monetized websites. A single mistake can DISABLE your AdSense account forever.

    What is the smart alternative to show then?

    As I said earlier that showing Adblock alternative content is never a smart thing to do if you consider the user experience of your site and in the end, it will just going to increase the no. of the unhappy user, but you can avoid that if you do it in a smart way.

    As per the Google Adsense policy agreement, you neither can draw the attention of your users towards the ads nor provoke anyone to click on your ads on any circumstance.

    So, the smart way to save your Adsense account is to SAY NOTHING. That’s right! Nothing.

    But instead saying or showing any pictures (which is asking or provoking your users to disable Adblock) as alternative content, you can actually show them Affiliate Ads.

    If you sign up for affiliate account with any popular affiliate source out there, like OptinMonster, Pretty link Pro, Amazon, MaxCDN or with anyone you want they have banner affiliate ads to show up in your site.

    If you just copy and paste their code into your site it will also get blocked by Adblocker as every one of the affiliate owners uses the word ‘Ad’ in their picture file name.

    So what you have to do is, copy the affiliate banner ad code and paste it in a notepad.

    Then copy the image path present in the banner ad code (you will find it in  <img src=" here is the image link " />  this place) and save the image in your computer.

    Change the image file name with some random character, like  QhTfdzYl.jpg  – and upload it to your server.

    Then replace the image path with the image link from your server replacing the affiliate image link.

    If you show affiliate Ads as an alternative to Adblock, it will not violate a single policy of Adsense, yet it can bring some revenue to you instead of showing some static image which will violate Google's policy and annoy the users.

    What process I follow in my site?

    Well, I show alternative content to my readers as I believe and statistics showed us, people only get pissed off by ads when it annoys them, like popup ads, flash ads with annoying music, etc.

    But I use a little advanced version of Adblock alternative content.

    In my site, I use my own written code to show up AdBlock alternative affiliate ads randomly from a huge stack of affiliate ads.

    Alongside it, I track every single user through Google Analytics to know how many of them use Adblock and how many of them are not.

    If you have installed Adblock in your browser while reading this article, the affiliate ads you see are not permanent.

    If you refresh the page, the affiliate ads will change, which eventually give a much nicer user experience (I think) rather than showing the same affiliate banner again and again on every single post.

    But, there are many popular sites showing this.

    Yes, I know that there are many popular blogs showing this kind of alternative content which I’ve mentioned dangerous for your Adsense account and even DISABLE your AdSense account permanently.

    But, there is a catch which many people, including AdSense publishers, are not aware of, that is called “Premium AdSense Publisher”.

    This is an undisclosed feature of Google Adsense which gives certain benefits and reduced the strictness towards following the policy to those AdSense publishers whose sites generate millions of hits and revenues in AdSense.

    If you are running a website which generates millions of hits monthly and also generates huge AdSense revenue, you will receive email from Google Adsense team saying that you have been promoted to the premium publisher level of Adsense.

    If any of those site show this kind textual or image content as Adblock alternative, Google won’t take that seriously as these sites are high-level Adsense owner site and also the popular site.

    But if you do the same thing, Google won’t hesitate to DISABLE your account. So, don’t compare your site with the big runners.

    How can I show affiliate Ads as an alternative of AdBlock?

    I’ve written an exclusive article about how you can show affiliate ad as adblocking software alternative content.

    I will suggest you read this article if you are looking for a way to implement it properly.

    Although, it will work perfectly for all kind of advertisement media code, not just only for AdSense.


    So, as a conclusion, I will suggest you, do the right thing for your website and AdSense account as you already know that how hard it is to re-enable an Adsense disabled account or opening a new one.

    Do not try to do something which the big players are doing. Always remember, big players, do have big benefits.
    • What do you think about AdSense alternatives content? 
    • Is it worth it or just make the web more annoying. 
    • If you are a webmaster, have you ever tried to put an AdSense alternative content on your site? 
    • Does your AdSense account gets blocked due to improper Adblock alternative content? 
    Let me know in the comment section below. Also from now on, I’m going to release at least one article each week especially for bloggers and webmasters with news how-tos, tips, reviews and more.

    So, if you have any special request for any topic, feel free to let me know in the comment section below.
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