
Do Traffic Bots Help To Earn Money From Google AdSense?

Does Traffic Bots Helps To Earn Money From AdSense

Till 2018, Some traffic bots like Traffic spirits and others worked great to earn a decent amount of money from AdSense but now they are useless because now Google AdSense has the advanced algorithm to check everything.

Keep in mind, The traffic bots are the black hat technique to generate fake traffic to your blog and the pro bloggers will not recommend using these bots. If you are really serious about your blog and business then don't use them otherwise you will get into the trouble.

    Some Traffic Bots Still Helps to Earn Money From AdSense

    At the starting, When you will use traffic bots then you can see some increment on your AdSense earning but later it will decrease. Let's understand with the real example.

    Actually, I was answering some question about AdSense on quora then most of the people were claiming that they are earning good money from AdSense using some traffic bots and even many traffic bots company claims that they are beneficial for AdSense.

    So finally, I decided to take the risk on my AdSense account and I did some experiments on It. For the experiment, I had chosen Traffic Spirit bots.

    Days AdSense RPM Total Earning
    Day 1 $ 4.00 $ 15.00
    Day 2 $ 1.00 $ 6.00
    Day 3 $ 0.30 $ 1.80
    Day 4 $ 0.01 $ 0.05
    Day 5 $ 0.02 $ 0.10
    Day 6 $ 0.01 $ 0.06
    Day 7 $ 0.01 $ 0.04

    I had earned $ 23.05 in one week. Actually, I started this experiment last week of the month because I did not want to take more risk on my AdSense account.

    Do you know? AdSense finalizes your total earning on 1st - 3rd on the next month. So whatever you see your earning on your AdSense dashboard is not your real AdSense earning.

    Finally, When I checked AdSense payment reports it shows that AdSense deducts all of the money that I have earned using traffic bots (Invalid traffic - AdSense for content = $ 23.05). So using traffic bots to earn money from AdSense is useless nowadays.

    Should I Use Traffic bots to Earn Money From AdSense

    I won't recommend you to use any traffic bots on your blog. Maybe there are some other traffic bots that can help you to earn money from AdSense but I can definitely say it would be for a short time till Google AdSense updates their algorithm.

    Google is the number one company in the world and You are thinking to trick them. What rubbish, Are you stupid? I think, Not. So don't waste your time and money on these black hat traffic bots.

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    How to Earn Money From AdSense Genuinely?

    There are no hard and fast rules to earn money from AdSense. Just write unique SEO optimized quality contents on your blog, Get targeted traffic and earn money from AdSense.

    There are a few series of articles that can help you to short out your problems. I recommend you to take a look at these articles.
    Don't use traffic bots on your blog and Don't even try to trick Google instead take your time to write unique content that can help your visitors by giving valuable information.

    Black hat techniques are short term. If you are serious about your blog and business then please don't think about that.

    Keep in mind, Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.

    Hope the article helped you! If I have missed something here then please let me know in the comments section and also If you have any query then please let me know!
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