
10 Most Common Blogging Mistakes that Spoil your Blog

Blogging is like a train on a railway track. Starting is the problem and slow, but once you start and maintain the power for some time, then it can fly also. All bloggers struggled in the initial stage of blogging to get traffic or money, once you establish well, no one can stop you.

There are a few behaviors you must avoid to keep your blog live and nice to readers. If you hear someone failed in blogging after successfully blogged for some times, I’m sure they would have made below mistakes.

Here are some mistakes you must avoid to not spoiling your blog

  1. Do not update frequently or not incorrect time. You are not updating your blog with posts and articles very frequently or not in the correct time pattern. It will be ‘Dead Blog’ very soon.
  2. You think you are smart by copying contents from other sites and publishing duplicates with small corrections. Some people think they are smart by copying contents from other blogs or free article sources. Then change a few words or sentences and publishing. You know what? It’s already indexed by search engines. Finally, you end up with duplicate contents.
  3. SEO? What’s the heck it is? Not caring SEO requirements in a blog. No meta description, keyword, proper titles and other basics of SEO. Some people think SEO is only for Robots, not for real humans. Yes, it’s correct, but humans reach your blog by these robots, don’t forget it.
  4. I don’t care about visitors. No response to your readers’ comments, questions, and suggestions. Finally, your blog is not getting any return visitors, also new visitors are not interested to leave any comments.
  5. Join all money making programs and try them on one blog. Adding all advertisements, filling up slots, pop up windows and scripts is a bad idea. Finally, it irritates your visitors and increases loading time. Visitors leave before blog completely loads. You lose traffic and money that you could make by single money making program.
  6. Useless comments on nonrelated Blogs. Because you require some backlinks, you decided to go to ANY blogs and leave comments. It simply spoils the loyalty of your blog among internet users and Google. Leaving useless comments on nonrelated blogs will not help you.
  7. No monitoring, No control on blogging errors. Blogging is not only about creating and publishing posts but also monitoring. Proper monitoring of traffic, SEO, and blogging errors will lead you as a successful blogger. If you don’t have monitoring habit, then surely you are going to screw up your blog.
  8. No Promotion. Some people so adamant to comment on other blogs, use social media networks, email newsletter, online and offline promotion. It’s not advisable to depend only on SEO or other traffic sources than promotion. Always it’s good to promote your blog in anyways to survive for long in the blogging world.
  9. The heavy and Long theme is beautiful, but….. Having a high graphical and animated theme is really cool, but is it taking a long time to load? then you must consider it. Having a theme like this with lots of ads, external link lookups, and scripts will screw up your blog without your knowledge.
  10. This is very simple- Just forget to renew your domain name or hosting charge payments. No explanation, you know how it will affect your blogging. I’m sure you will accept the above points and avoid in the future.
If you have good experience with similar issues I missed here, please share to help new and part-time bloggers.
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